Format: Film
"POP" is an immersive film that explores the transformative nature of identity through balloons. The film unfolds a narrative of becoming, being, and reminiscing, guiding spectators on a journey of self-discovery and introspection.
Challenging reality through the integration of filmed performance, CGI, and photography, “POP” blurs boundaries and prompts reflection on recognition and human existence. This deliberate manipulation of reality encourages spectators to question their own understanding of the world and contemplate the constructed nature of narratives.
"POP" has been created as a multi-projection installation with the intention to project each circle displayed in the film on a distinct balloon.
To watch the full film, click here.
It premiered during the opening of Feelium Gallery in London on the 26th of April 2023.
Challenging reality through the integration of filmed performance, CGI, and photography, “POP” blurs boundaries and prompts reflection on recognition and human existence. This deliberate manipulation of reality encourages spectators to question their own understanding of the world and contemplate the constructed nature of narratives.
"POP" has been created as a multi-projection installation with the intention to project each circle displayed in the film on a distinct balloon.
To watch the full film, click here.
It premiered during the opening of Feelium Gallery in London on the 26th of April 2023.